Us Versus Them and the Distortion of Signal

The 2016 presidential election changed the landscape of the American presidency forever and 2020 was close to bringing an encore performance. Joe Biden entered the election as a 90% favorite according to Nate Silver’s statistical models with the outcome being decidedly closer than most polls and pundits anticipated. To make matters surrounding the outcome even […]

The Language of Logic

It is a cold night in a quaint town – the snow is falling from the heavens, resting on a jet-black road that is covered in ice. A passive observer cannot help but notice clouds of vapor floating through the street, enveloping the heads of two brothers who are excitedly making up for lost time; […]

The Arrival of Entropy

Supernovas are cosmological events that occur when the composition of a star’s core is fundamentally altered. As a star nears the end of its life, its core can no longer handle the pressure exerted by its own gravitational force, causing it to collapse. This sudden collapse rapidly converts gravitational potential energy into a dense mix […]

Meditations of a Traveler

In the distant future, humanity has managed to master time, gaining the ability to traverse it. The river of time – once thought to be a stream flowing in one direction – is now known to loop, twist, and turn back into itself.  In this future world, time’s domestication gave way to its commoditization; humans […]

Freedom and Security in the Age of Coronavirus

“I’m not so fanatical a worshipper of liberty as some of my radical or conservative friends; when liberty exceeds intelligence it begets chaos… We had too much economic liberty in the later nineteenth century due to our free land and our relative exemption from external danger. We have too much moral liberty today, due to […]

The Realities you Cannot See

How can one effectively expand their purview from the tangible and perceptible to the abstract and unseen? Human minds are predisposed to search for causality. Our biology drives us to create associations among events, crafting a narrative that expounds upon specific outcomes. These constructed narratives make our reality appear destined in hindsight. But, suppose that […]

Explanations and the Creation of Knowledge

In the middle of studying for my last exams, I could not help overhearing some students in the library complaining about their mathematics course. Their complaints were comprehensive; the professor was difficult, the notes were lackluster, and the homework was too tedious. After the course-specific discussion ended, one of the individuals in the group made […]

The Reality of Negative Interest Rates

The invention of money fundamentally changed economies forever. In pre-modern society, individuals could only transact by swapping goods. Barter transactions were comprised of extremely specific, personalized transactions based upon the needs of two groups. This posed obvious issues as a group with one particular need could only successfully transact with a different group if their […]